A possibility

ChuckSchickObviously, Walcott can play instead of Lennon, but the Spurs man is the form player.
Gerrard and Joe Cole can swap positions, also.


ZolaSo what's the latest on Ferdinand's injury situation? Who would you replace him with?


ChuckSchickNot sure, to be honest. His problems seemed to be form as much as anything.
Replacement is tough.
Woodgate or King if they could stay fit.
Jagielka when he reutrns.
Upson, maybe, but I don't think he's good enough.
Lescott I rate even less, though his style might be better suited to JT.
Then you have outsiders like Shawcross.


ZolaI would personally prefer Lescott. At least he would have some decent playing time under his belt.

Let's hope Terry does not get a serious knock till the end of the season.


ChuckSchickJT's pretty solid.
It's Rooney I'm worried about!


RicardoLooks good. If this lot can stay injury free they've got a good chance to go all the way.


GeorgieWasTheBestThere was a similar topic a while ago:


There I had a point about how thin the squad is. I guess the situation with the central defenders is a further proof. If we lose Terry, we're toast.


discovolanteRio should be fully recovered by January, and that'll hopefully allow him a solid run for the rest of the season. Hopefully he can recapture his 07/08 form, he was the best defender in Europe that season if you ask me.

More or less agree with the team, I'd have Joe Cole starting from the left though (obviously still with license to roam). It'll be interesting to see if Capello goes for Brown or Johnson against the bigger teams, as Johnson still tends to get caught out quite cheaply by the top wingers.


fcbarcelona360ferdinand is overrated
when i watch him i only see him getting nutmegged on the goal line,giving van der ar a horrible back pass, giving away possesion or even the ocassional own goal. he is quite simply a horrible player and i can not for the life of me understand what his appeal is. i mean its like calamidy james going on as a centre back.


Robert O'CarlosFerdinand has certainly had better days.

Time for United to cash in?


FeriAtsAre there any takers?


RicardoYou guys are kidding about Rio right? CB and sometimes captain of Manchester "CleanSheet" United is overrated? There's a lot to discuss about the posted formation but it isn't the back four.


discovolantePeople who honestly believe that Rio is overrated are barely even worth talking to. That notion is just a media-created pile of nonsence, and just a result of some poor form this year because of his injury problems.

A fit Ferdinand is one of the best defenders int he world, and England will need him.


FeriAtsWell, he's good when he's good, no doubt about that. But he has this injury now, no one seems to know what it is and when he'll be back.

He's in the last quarter of his career and injuries will start to come more frequent and recovery will take longer. So I doubt there will be another big money move in his career.


RoberticusI like the looks of this. It is clearly thought out, and illustrates the natural movement of the players.
Even though I think Capello will prefer his Plan A of Heskey (or a similar player)as a battering ram up front, this would be my preferred formation and it could at least by a Plan B for when England require greater fluidity in possession.

In terms of how the lines adjust in defensive phase I think it naturally lends itself to a 4-2-3-1, with Gerrard, J.Cole and Lennon retreating behind the ball but still pressuring high up the pitch, Lampard and Hargreaves (or whichever like-for-like replacement) screening behind.
The question is...will Rooney be comfortable enough playing the role? Just because he is nominally the furthest man forward doesn't mean he has to play like a target man or a Drogba-esque battering ram. He can still drop off and participate in the build-up, thus allowing others to flood into the spaces. Of course, such automatisms need to be well-rehearsed and so Capello would do well to at least try out these movements in coming friendlies in order for the players to familiarise themselves with it.


Robert O'CarlosJust to clear up some of the later Ferdinand comments, I think most people were commmenting that it was doubtful Rio would get back to the same level as before, rather than saying he was overrated, as only one comment had it.

He's been out for most of this season, and it seems he'll be out a while yet because of his injury. It's uncertain yet when, or if, he'll be able to play again at the highest level. I think his England days may be numbered.
