Worlds best XI...

ThinkingLateral... in my humble opinion.
Robben and Ronaldo always look to get into the center, whereas the full backs bomb forward to fill the gaps. Essien often stays between Vidic and Pique to create a 3-4-3-system.

Messi is the creative player in that formation and is allowed to be whereever he wants to.

Do you agree?

Sorry for my propably bad english, but I am from Austria ;-)


ZolaIf you had this before the world cup, I would probably say it's OK. But some of the names in here failed to impress in the tournement.Ronaldo, Rooney and the French were a disappointment.


ZolaStill puts a dent on their credentials, no? I, as a Chelsea fan, for one question our own John Terry's status as a top class defender. Put him in a slightly different role with a less able partner and he is all over the place. Maybe he only looks that good when surrounded by top players.

Surely, world class palyers are expected to raise the teams they play in. Did Ronaldo do that? Rooney? I very much dount so.
