Celtic FC V SC Braga 1st leg

weequadeyNeill lennon has stated he will use 1 man up front in this game, and i think from pre season traiing this year, this would be the way to go.


ZolaShouldn't Samaras lead the attack. He's tall and can be used as a target when need be. Having him on the flank is a bit rich IMHO.


nvrWenger used Bendtner in a similar role last year. It's good while the surprise element lasts. But I don't see it as the correct way to utilise a tall forward.


cocobhoy1967No way would i have sameras anywere near me the man is a fairy
2-1 to the tic
Hail Hail!!


FeriAtsIt's nothing to brag about......I'll get my coat.


weequadeySamaras is not a striker, anyoe who watched celtic last year will know when he startred up frot, he always ended up on the lft hand side, so die to this that is were neill lennon has plaid him all pre season.


ZolaWhat a terrible result. Anyone thinking the harm can be undone in Celtic Park?
