7opicoAfter Leonardo took charge of Inter
Changed everything in the era of short-Rafa
, Which depends on the plan consistently without many changes

It depends on the decentralization of the center that the exchange Cambiasso and Thiago Motta roles

And the strong increase of the universe to strengthen the attack in the case where the possession of the ball tends to Lucio even slightly to the right back Maicon

Inter played the best games in this format but has recently been affected by the non-participation in the Champions League Pazzini

And injury Stnkovic .. Hussein, who has compensated, but not performed the required level

And change the plan has had an impact in the loss of the Inter Bayern Munich in the Champions League


dragonulteowhere is Chivu?


lectusZanetti is a way better than Chivu.I like this lineup, and i really hope Milito come back soon


7opicoChivu : provides abused seasons with Inter Milan, after the return from injury in the head
It is very bad even at the end of last season

Zanetti is better than Chievo Romanian right-back and better than everyone Nagatamo
But still did not take a chance with a similar fate probably awaits powerful Inter
