My Dream Arsenal XI

RavenbarberThis is my idea of how Arsenal could look this year, or maybe next, if the Londoners had any ambition. Wenger hasn't really spent in years, and you just know that they'd hand him a blank cheque if he really wanted to. Of course this team would be expensive, but I believe the investment would be worth it. The Londoners are starting to resemble Juventus a little bit at the moment, as a not quite "Big Destination" club anymore. This needs to be remedied. I'm sick of Arsenal's big name players forever linked with supposedly better clubs.

On to my side: this team would almost resemble an old-school 4-2-4, with lots of movement and attacking. I like Wilshire and Song as the spine of the team and Mats Hummels from Borussia Dortmund has the speed, steel and even ability on the ball to make Arsenal more solid at the back than they have been in years. Canalez I believe would flourish under Wenger, and Guiseppe Rossi from Villareal would be as good a false nine as Van Persie is right now, without the injury troubles. One can dream, right? Needless to say, this side would be majour title contenders, even in the Champions League, and might even frighten Barcelona when we inevitably face them again in CL.

A team like this would restore the pride of Arsenal. And there’s a lot of pride in need of restoring. Gunners forever!


nvrBig thumbs up for keeping Song and Wilshere there.

I am huge critic of goalkeeper situation at Arsenal. My theory is, if we had someone decent after the first year with Lehmann, we would have at least 2 more league titles under our belts. However, with Szczesny we have someone to stand behind. I would love to have Given as a more experienced sub, who would help Szcesny develop but I guess he's been there with Joe Hart and doesn't want that anymore.

I'd rather give Kieran Gibbs a chance than splashing out the cash for Baines. The difference of quality is just marginal, and not worth the money IMHO.


mbillington10Wow, that team is impressive.

I think Nasri's best position is behind the striker, where you have Canales playing. When Fabregas was injured he produced his best form in Fabregas' position.

Although I would say that for the money they would cost, I dont see Hummels (£20m) and Rossi (£35m) as signficant improvements on Djourou and Van Persie, but I accept your grievance over Van Persie's injury record.

I can see why you added Baines, his assists this season have been phenomenal, far better than any other left back, but without a target man (Tim Cahill) I wonder if he would be as effective at Arsenal, and as NVR has highlighted, Gibbs is a promising player.

If you put Nasri in the centre, and added a high quality left winger, such as Hazard or Mata, then I think your team would be title contenders, even without signing Rossi, Baines or Hummel.

Then again, it is your dream team, so I suppose money is no object, and in that case, this team looks incredible.


Joe423I believe Scezeny(w/e) has done enough to be the number 1, he's confident, and he has doesn't collapse after a mistake. All the right ingredients for a good keeper.

Very good team other wise. I do agree with earlier posts that sticking Nasri behind the striker and playing a Hazard etc on the left may be better, as Nasri has repeatedly stated he much prefers playing centrally than out wide.


nvrDidn't notice Nasri there. Are we keeping him?


MidgeManHummels would be a great buy


david1993put nasri where canalez is cause he myt no leave
and buy mata who could be cheaper than rossi and plays on the wing cause he has the abilty to do so and van persie need to be through the middle as he scored 18 goals and 7 assist in league last season and gary cahill instead of hummels because cahill has experiance playin in premiership
