Man Utd first and 2nd team

jimreapaThe bottom half show the substitute straight awap for the player in the top half. The DM move left and right across the midfield hassling, closing and tackling any attacking midfield player on the other team and then releasing the ball with simple passes to either wing or to nasri in the middle. Nasri will come deep to get the ball where as rooney will stay in the hole between midfield and defense. Nasri will also have more defensive duties than Rooney although Rooney will be expected to come deep to help out in certain occassions. Giggs is a replacement for Rooney, Having more of a out and out attack role and not so many defensive duties should limit the running giggs has to do and help with stamina as he gets older. A team like Manchester United should be going out to win every game, should be controlling the game, putting the other team on the backfoot with their attacking prowess. So yes this starting formation and team lineup is quite attacking but there is so much depth in the squad that it can be easily changed to facilitate any situation.
