My ideal formation for current Real Madrid C.F. (1/24/12)

The_Emperor5My last formation turned out be another suicide. Moving the two fullbacks up along with the CDM left my D way too unprotected when going against tougher opponents. Therefore I decided just to have Marcelo move forward during the attack and Nuri backwards in defense in case of a surprise counter-attack, especially down the right wing with Marcelo being up the pitch.

Özil is originally a CAM (Central Attacking Midfielder), so I positioned him as a RCM but he will turn at times into a RAM during the offense. Ronaldo will start as a LW (his usual position in a front line of three) and will move to the center of the pitch at times during the offense or will try to cut down from the left flank to the middle in a counter-attack. Di María will stay at RW (his usual position in a front line of three).

Just like in the previous formations, Alonso will be my Deep Lying Playmaker, and will also have the responsibility of distributing the long passes and initiating the transition offense with support coming from the sides.
