Positives and Negatives 4-3-3 XI against Birminghan FA Cup (Full time 1-1)

Janne HJanne H


Janne HNegatives:
David Luiz: Over energized and i want to point my finger to him cause we conseded first goal. He was not in his own place, Cahill was playing rightsided centraldef and Luiz was leftsided. Why the hell he runned over Cahill, i dont understand.

Torres: He just cant find it. He cant find the way to play with his teammates. Timing and placement just dont work. His work rate is only positive i can say about him right now.

Mata and Penalty: Have to say that our team suffered alot cause his missed penalty. You just have to find the back of the net if you have that kind of chance. Of course its not easy and goalie was great but still Frank would have done it.

AVB: I think he made one big mistake and used Luiz as a Leftsided and Cahill as a rightsided defender. Luiz has been playing all season in rightside. I think Luiz suffered alot cause of this change and one big reason why he was out of posession when we conseded that goal was this little change in formation.

Teamplay: Our teamplay struggled cause we missed true leader. I think we should have use Lampard if Terry was not fit. Our defense needs Terry but most of all we missed a leader. Our team also needs to start finding Torres, first half was annoying cause players did not find him. When Drogba came in it was totally different, sudenly our defenders started to sending crosses to him and he was all the time available.


Janne HPositives:

AVB: Its weird to write positives and negatives from the same matter but i try to look our team and games from different angle. I think AVB did something right moves inside the game. I actually was supriced (positive) to see his subtitions. Mikel played well but we needed more pace and speed to our game. Kalou actually didnt bring us so mutch "X-tra" power as needed but i think it was subtition what went to right direction. Maybe Frank to Mikel would have worked better for us yesterday...but we will never know. Later we saw AVB to take Mata out and Lampard in. I also think it was right type of subtition and we needed that. It was a bit late and maybe 10minutes earlier and we would have seen more from Frank...but again this is just a Maybe. I want to bring AVB here to positives cause i think we saw first time this season right type of subtitions and he didnt spoil our game with those choises.

Teamplay n Spirit: Cant say that we did not try...we really did. I think the spirit was good and our team never quit playing and trying. I think penalty we missed was a big turning point in this game. Our game went down after that but halftime and Drogbas comin lifted the spirit again. We looked like a totally different team, we had clear objectives and players knew where to pass and move. With Torres we were total mess. It was very positive to see what Drogba brought us and i think this is good way to continue our progress to next game next level.

Mata: He played again good game. He controlled our game and was creative all the time. He gave the killer cross to Ivanovic and sturridge smashed Iva`s pass into goal. Mata had also few good chances to score but was a bit unlucky.

Sturridge: He gave us the important equalizer and he also was dangerous when controlling the ball. I can only dream how good he will be in future. This guy has speed, pace and killer instinct.

Drogba: Good game from Old Drog. What a spirit lifter and Dangerous as always. Little bit more luck and we would have won this game. He had his chances but was unlucky. He is amazing, he was all the time ready and his timing is just great but missed the last "touch".

Cahill: Definetly a good performance from this guy. Suffered a bit cause Luiz hustling but managed to play solid and strong defense. I would luv to see him partnership with John Terry, hope we see that against Napoli next tuesday.
