Wenger All-time XI

RavenbarberI was wondering what an all-time formation of players that owed their prestige purely to Wenger would look like. In my opinion, the heights all of these players finally ascended to was a direct result of the Frenchman. As a result, someone like Sol Campbell misses out because I think he was already a pretty highly regarded player before Wenger's influence. Also, he was a bad distributor and as a result would have put the pretty scant midfield under huge pressure with his passing.

Overmars, if he was playing today, would be a right sided left footed player due to the footballing practice of today that favours players who cut in, and Henry proved at Barcelona that he could play nominally on the left.

This team would play football the way Wenger always intended Arsenal to play. They would be immaculate in possession and an awesome threat going forrward. Defensive cover would be a little scant, and Vieira would have a whole lot to do, but I'm pretty sure this team could outscore almost any other team I can think of. This is my tribute to Wenger and the gift he gave to the world with all the awesome players he has fostered.


RavenbarberHere is my selection of Ferguson's all-time XI. I wonder how they would match up against one another.





RavenbarberFerguson's team is undeniably better in defense and temperament, but I think technically Wenger's XI is better technically.

Mind you, I still don't think this United XI would be able to beat the current Barcelona team. I think Wenger's team would have a much better shot at Gaurdiola's team. Weird to think that an all-time Ferguson team would still probably not beat a team currently playing.


nvrBergkamp did not owe his prestige to Wenger. He was a pretty established player well before he joined Arsenal.


1sahuanvr His reputation was BADLY damaged at Inter. Wenger was taking, to some extent a risk.


nvrIt was Rioch, who signed him. Let's get our facts right, shall we?
