barcelona after 13 season

dvdtt.shrm1. if messi plays
2.if messi doesnt plays - all the players except song will be fully marked, since he isnt considered skillful player, hence he can take the ball from middle and shake opposite's defence.
i was stunned to see how song was insulted in second leg of barcavsmunich, however if one watches closely, he was the only unmarked man in barca's attack, yet xavi who was tightly marked ,carried the ball and never succeeded. remember,song isnt a defensive mid player, he comes from epl where counter attacking is style, and he knows how attack if tikitaka fails. whereas busques is a pure defensive mid player.
-> Also one very important thing: when dribblers are marked and not allowed to play forward, tikitaka crumbles.Only solution is: bring forward the last unmarked man and play classic long balls to shake the defence and diagonal ball should never be played as it is vulnerable to interception.
