RedrebelI have been studying they way Manchester United sets up in the field when Cristiano plays. Manchester United standard formation is the 4-4-2, but I would actually call it a 4-3-3 because Cristiano Ronaldo plays more like a winger than a right midfielder. Everytime an attack comes from opposite of his flank he always goes in for the crosses like a winger, and I don't see Nani or Ryan Giggs attack like Cristiano because they are traditional outside midfielders. One goal I remember out of my head and I think everybody remembers is the goal he scored against Chelsea in Champions League final. He ran, got in the box, and scored with a header. That is just one piece of evidence that shows Manchester United's real formation can be seen as a 4-3-3.


Robert O'CarlosWith the players you've got here it could almost be a 4-2-4. Although I'd think in reality if 1 winger goes forward, the opposite flank wouldn't so it would always look closer to a 4-3-3. I've heard said that last year Man Utd played without any orthodox forwards but a very fluid supporting forwards setup. Like a 4-2-4-0. With diagonal runs and lots of movement, that would be just about impossible to defend against unless you're prepared to go man on man.


RedrebelDid you see how he got in the cross and tried to score with his hands in the game against Manchester City, that is what I mean about him being more of a winger than an outside midfielder.


RedrebelThat is why last season he scored a lot of goals.


GeorgieWasTheBestHe thought he heard a whistle, he was not trying to score with his hands. And it was a set peace for God's sake...

He is not winger and not a right midfielder. He plays roaming around freely in the pitch.


theformationnerd123I think you are right mate;-). Ronaldo, You know he plays as a Attacking midfielder and a Right Midfielder At the Same time. It fools you but its right. and he does that Ronaldo does go to the wings and Change Sides. Nice Formation.


RedrebelIf he is the best player in the world that means he should of have been concentrated on the play. If he heard a whistle than what was he thinking, "loss of concentration" is all I can say, and in a set peace o my god. How can the best player in the world lose concentration in a set piece? He probably had his mind in the ballon de oro. Though, you are right, Cristiano plays roaming around freely in the pitch, but to an extent. He is not setup as an attacking midfielder by Ferguson. Scholes fills that role. And thank you nerd123.


Robert O'CarlosRonnie's handball is a mystery to me. Unless he was convinced he heard a whistle and thought there was no point in playing the ball. Put it down to a mistake.
You're right, Redrebel. Ronnie definitely plays off the wing for Utd but the forwards often seem to have license to roam wherever they like. Ferguson has said he admired and learnt this system from playing teams in Europe over the last 10 years.
From what I've seen of Scholes so far, I'm not sure whether he's seen as more of a central midfielder like Carrick these days. Doesn't seem to have the attacking instincts he once did. Will be a very sad day when he goes. As far as I'm concerned, Scholes is as Man Utd as you can get.


RedrebelWell, you are right Robert, Scholes doesn't play as an attacking midfielder, but he asumes that role or used to. You are also right forwards have the license to roam wherever they like, but that's the managers decision. Some managers don't like their forwards moving everywhere because when crosses come in there is nobody in the box to score. And yes it will be very sad when he leaves. Scholes is the soul and heart of Manchester United. At least that is what I think.


GeorgieWasTheBestNo, it is not loss of concentration. If you hit the ball into the net after the whistle, some refs think that you are protesting and book you for that. Ronaldo thought he heard a whistle and he tried NOT to hit the ball. He knew what he was doing.

On a side note a mistimed header due to lack of timing, concentration etc looks a lot different. If it was one, he would have stil headed ball and the ball would ended up flying a random direction awkwardly.


Robert O'CarlosIf it was a lack of concentration, the ball would have smacked him in the face and he'd have ended up looking like Paddy Crerand!


RedrebelWell, how do call it when somebody thinks they heard a whistle when there was none? Please, explain to me.


GeorgieWasTheBestHave you ever been to a premiership game? Do you know how close the stands are? How noisy are the crowds? Someone from the crowd blows his own whistle and Ronaldo thinks it's the refs. Too far fetched?


RedrebelHave you ever been to Latin American game. Premier League stands, and crowds aren't nothing compared to that. You have no idea how noisy and crazy it is.


RedrebelI recommend you going to a Boca Juniors game in la bonbonera.


GeorgieWasTheBestSo? No one gets mistaken for a whistle from stands in South America. Is this what you are saying?


Robert O'CarlosGroup hug, guys!
I've never been on a football pitch in the middle of a game in front of thousands of fans but I can well imagine the variety of noises that come from a crowd like that. That said, incidents where a player mistakes a whistle from the crowd for the ref are rare.
I say we just accept Ronnie's story that he thought he heard a whistle and put it down to him making a mistake. He probably only had a split second to decide what he was going to do anyway. And anyone who saw him walk off the pitch against Sunderland knows he makes his own rules up on occasion anyway.


RedrebelNo, Georgie some people get mistaken for a whistle from stands in South America but its rare, but I only mentioned that because you mentioned Premier League stands as "noisy" so I mentioned games in South America to show you that there is really no excuse for Ronaldo. He made a mistake just like Robert said and there is no excuse.
