Manchester United XI 4-3-1-2

nileshThis could be an awesome formation to play which would include the best players and could easily switch to 4-3-3 if you replace RVP with Januzaj and Rooney drops to midfield in place of Di Maria and Falcao plays as the CF with Di Maria and Januzaj on either side.


Steve BooyensWhy would you play Blind as a CB and Jones as a FB?and your midfield will get run dead because you've got no one in midfield to stop the counter attack or win the ball actually


Steve BooyensStick blind in as a holding playr,take out a striker and play mata in behind the 2 frontmen and bring jones in as a cb with rafael wide right bombing forward


AudioMata is shit in that position, take him out and replace him with Blind as a regista or something.


mcblack 1put onanan in post
