if todays rumours turn out to be true...

delboy_lfcjoe cole, jovanovic, poulsen, n'gog, konchesky are shown the door and meireles stays with us
(though i don't see it happening to be honest) this could be a pretty solid team to challenge for a top 4 spot upcoming season

i'd still love to sign a strong defensive midfielder for the reasons i talk about in my last post.
lucas & spearing are just to lightweight to handle oppositions playing a very physical game (stoke, bolton, blackburn etc.)


gazlfcforeverIf Mata and Cissokho sign I will be very happy


delboy_lfc@gaz: couldnt agree more though for my complete happiness i'd like to see us sign quality defensive options, left back and centre back plus holding midfielder. but since the return of the king many things seem likelier and better. good days are on the roll! ynwa


gazlfcforeverI don't think we need a defensive midfielder now we have Adam, Lucas and Spearing who did really well last season. Even at centre back we have some great youth players coming through like the U19 captain Wisdom but yeah we need wingers and a left back still.

I can't wait for next season though our squad is getting stronger and stronger


delboy_lfcnot so sure about the defensive qualities of one charlie adam. his attacking statistics are impressive but defensive ones (and the games i've seen him play) are rather weak.

lucas and spearing are lightweight, we've seen them in all sorts of trouble against teams like stoke, bolton, blackburn etc. i love jay, but to me he is not a long term premiership quality a team like lfc need.

and by the way, i expect adam to be in a more advanced role with not too many defensive duties.

at centre back, yes we do have prospects, but if we are to make a serious challenge for a top 4 position i am not sure we can throw in too many young players. and i presume that agger and carra will miss few games anyway so wisdom will likely get a chance to show his talent anyway.

but i can only agree with your assessment, our squad will be a strong one, that's for sure
