Marlins v JTeam

BlenkersJTeam are a quick agile team who pass and move very well. We've held them to close games when we've tried to compete with them in midfield, but we don't seem to create many chances because Trevor is outnumbered and the midfield find it difficult to compete with their 5 man midfield as well as get forward to support attacks.
I think this is a brave move, but they play 2 up front, so we can afford ot dedicate 2 man markers to follow them wherever they go, leaving a sweeper to pick up the runner from the centre of midfield.
Midfield may be outnumbered, but there will be no indecision about who picks up the wingers - Damo/Derek and Tommy/Micha pick up the LM/RM respectively. Our wings have to make sure they move the ball quickly so that it makes the LM/RM mark you, where you want to be, not inned back by their forward runs.
Chopper is to track Yoski, Dale to pick up the more advanced of the DM's and if the third DM makes it forward, Dale can hand over his man to Andy at sweeper.
This leaves Carl, Scott and Trevor one on one with their back 3 - which is an exciting proposition. one-two's in the final third and don't be afraid to have a shot (plus if Brett is in goal; follow up shots!!)
We're going to have to make use of all our subs, especially in midfield. Subbing on and off is the only way we can match their fitness.
Our forward 3 will have to track runs from their defence, but equally should be looking to find space and make them work hard at marking up.
