4-2-3-1 XI vs. Liverpool

Janne HIts a super sunday against Liverpool. It was long two week after painful Arsenal game and Blackburn long time no seen "clean" sheet. Cech sheet was definetly not clean, u know what i mean ;) Sunday i expect to see calmer attacking more counter-attacks focused play. Our defensive play will be more balanced with Romeu, Meireles and Drogba. Yes i hope we see that old good Drog who will be helping our defenders and feeding Torres with his great crosses/passes. Meireles will take Drogs place at times and Drogba will be our powerhouse with Torres in front. We will see entertaining and a versatile Blues against Liverpool.

C`Mon U Blues!


NorfLondenYour defence is in shambles and your solution is to be more attacking. Interesting approach...


Janne HNot actually, yes my form looks like more attacking but tactically its not. We have been playing with high pressure trying to take the ball in opponents defensivehalf. My wish is that we only have to players pressuring high and we took opponent out in our own half. Our defenders are not so high like in recent games and thats the reason we have conseded so many goals in recent games. We can also use this form as a 4-3-3 Romeu n Meireles more as DM and Lampard CM. Drogba n Torres more like a freerole changing position and Mata huslin around. I have to say that i also want to see Drogba playing cause i miss Drogbas ability to help our defense in setpieces in our own half.


Janne Hsorry miss-spelling "we only have two players pressuring high"

