this is how chelsea should look like vs napoli

macio1. spare man vs cavani
2. cole high up, cancelling maggio
3. ivanovic defensive minded cancel out zuniga
4. ivanovic + def mid + spare man in defence cancel out lavezzi's drawing from side to center
5. width in attack without tracking back would strech napoli's defence or force maggio and zuniga to track chelsea's wingers


maciospare man defence*


david1993david luis has been shaky in deference and has made few mistakes.
i remember seen luis play left back for benfica and he was outstanding playing their so my point why not play him right back were their is less pressure and he can make runs forward . you could put terry and ivanovic Center back or cahill but i think lusi would be better right back IMO


macioAt first , it's a tactic for the first match, how Chelsea should have played, so Terry is not available;)
Second, the point is to secure RB position, where was a big threat from Napoli, so there is a need to play defensive full back, no free runs. At RB vs Napoli was a lot of pressure because of Zuniga and Lavezzi's wide play with drawing to the centre.


david1993@macio i misread what point you were trying to make i understand now what you meant and i agree with what your saying


king1319you should have drawn the napoli players
