Chelsea XI vs Bolton and movements

Janne HBack to oldies, i want to see this 4-4-2 diamond or if AVB wants to hold his head he can look at this like 4-3-3 Diamond. :)

This is what we need to do to get back on track. We have to sit deep, we cannot afford to be over active in attacks. Every player needs to have a backup if he goes forward. Like you see in this formation and lineup, there is a movement in each direction with every player and they all have responsibilities in both ways, defending and attacking. First of all our forwards needs to put pressure on opponents defense, they need to stop opponent creative play in their own end. Lamps needs to cover our wingers when they go up and Essien needs to hold our possession in deeper middfield and cover our wingback if they go forward and if theres a possibility to opponents counter attack in that side. We cannot afford to loose battles in wings, we have so many times seen this season that our wingbacks loose possession and we concede goal cause of that. Our Wingbacks needs to play more solid defending and be more reliable in attacks. They also need to cover our left and rightside if fullbacks are out or looses their possession. This over active attacking have send our fullbacks in trouble cause they are too high and they are too slow. They need to sit deep if we want to get rid off these big errors like against Napoli. When going forward i want to see more of Drogba and sturridge to change places. They are so good with the ball that when they can switch sides and keep the pressure in opponent half we have more possibilities to see Mata, Lampard and Ramirez to add runs in to the box and be effective. Lamps been playing in wrong role and we need he to be more attackin than defensive option to us. Mata can be creative and continue his work, he has been great in his role.

This is my opinion about our biggest errors in our play and what we could do to fix it. How do you feel about this and what do you think we should change in our play? There is no option to change manager so we need find solution. More than anything else we need COMMITMENT from our lads! They need to support our manager and they needs to keep their heads are asking why?!




david1993i am a man united fan and i want to see Chelsea get 4th spot and making it into next round of champions league cause im a big fan of AVB
he trying to change the Chelsea with the football and the age of team.trying to bring in new young exciting talents and he was brought in to late in the summer to change it quickly. he needs to time to build his own team and i think giving time and backing from owner and fans he will be a success



For some stupid reason I thinbk Abromovic wont sack him if they dot finish 4th for that reason. Anyone agree


david1993@king1319 i hope dont sack him not matter what happens but he paid 15million to get him and would cost nearly another 15million to sack him so it cost a lot of money


MikeChelseaLampardThis formation is fantastic! Good one! I prefer Luiz playing at the side because he is more attacking-like
