If I were Di Matteo I ll put this 11...

RonalDavid Luiz and Cahill at the centre back, I dont like terry and I prefer Cahill that is improving and is younger. On the rightback Ivanovic and in the left Ashley Cole. They can go a lot to the attack. The defensive midfielder will be Mikel. He is really strong and is tactical. Near him I put Ramires because he has a great physique and he can work on the defense and on the attack. The three attacking midfieldera for me are Oscar, Mata and Hazard. They can move on alla the positions of the attack and they do great passes and good combinations. And for me the forward is Torres. If he is good they can do a lot of goals. Sorry for my english level but i am from spain and I try that everybody understands.


chicarooneyWhy no Terry? He is still one of the best centre-backs in the world, Why no Lampard too? He is still a brilliant player and I would put him in a holding midfield role. I would also put Bertrand instead of Oscar, Bertrand needs games to become a top quality left-back and he is in good form at the moment. Sorry mate but I think this team need sto get improved. :(


RonalI prefer Cahill because is younger,faster y more tecnique than Terry. Lampard could be the only change that I would do. He is a good distributor and he scores goals. And Di Matteo puts Bertrand because he is a defensive coach and he can no put 3 superclaass like Hazard-Mata-Oscar, but dont forget that Bertrand is a left-back.


I prefer that squad :)


RonalThis line of three with Hazard-Mata and Moses is going to be really exciting. I think that Chelsea have a really good team this year with lots of possibilites at all the competitions.


Lualua49From my point of view Bertrand it's a beginner and if you want to use an other player insted of Oscar it will be Moses. That's all, I'm agree with Ronal at the other players positions.


RonalThanks @LuaLua49 Moses can play on the right and the left, he is fast and very technical and he is young and Oscar can be the substitute of Mata.
