Brazil vs venezuela

Aidan0sFirst of all i didn't put much effort into the diagram (even though this probably the main purpose of this sight) notice a random arrow infront of thiago silva. The main reason I didn't put much effort into is because not much of the movement in any way unexpected barring Dani alves being central positions high up the pitch quite frequently and in not too much of a hurry to get out of there and in my mind he was either instructed too or decided too (the only other time I remember a full back attacking centrally for long periods of the game was Ramos one time with Spain although I heard alves would do it with Seville but never actually saw him do it. i also threw in a barely visual arrow on neymar to highlight how his defensive workrate was not nearly good enough.
Brazil had number of problems especially as the game wore on
1. Pato timed his runs behind the defense very poorly especially for someone so fast who doesn't actually have to wait to the last second to go and who is usually quite good at it.
2. Ganso's distribution was very poor for a play maker especially one in a similar mold to Zidane (obviously not of the same caliber) , a playmaker who wants to control play from high up the pitch and distribute the ball effectively . He frequently flicked the ball to venezuelan's???(not entirely sure if that's the plural)
3.Alves was surprisingly poor his touch left him down a lot although his touch can be inconsistent anyway but there was a lot more poor moves than usual and a lot less good ones. and an awful of the attacks came down his side although this was partly down to robinho moving around so much (eventhough robinho worked harder than neymar defensively what little neymar did was on the flank and ganso was playing slightly left of centre and would cover a bit there aswell.
4.Ramirez would also occasionally surge forward and lose the ball all too often when he did
5. neymar showed glimpses of his immense talent but was too inconsistent and should have scored when one on one with the keeper and could also have done more defensively altough of the attacking quartet he was probably the best of a bad lot.
6.Lucas and lucio actually were quite good and silva and cesar had little to do but what they did do they looked quite assuring and santos started well but his influence totally died down as the match wore on

The movement was good to begin with and they looked very dangerous but it seemed to get worse the longer they went without a goal and they weren't exactly clinical and
they were also far too easily frustrated the 2nd half they were particularly dissapointing as didn't try raise there game at all at even though it is worth noting how young some of the players are
The players were also not aggresive enough when out of possesion.
The players also waited far too much for the ball ass opposed to coming to meet the player in possesion which is a problem france also have.
As well a couple of these players can do fantastic things when given no space but still as a team didn't really try to create space

There is a few bright things brazil can look at though they played through the phases quite well no surprising though with the players they have though. They're surely going to be more clinical in future. They looked solid defensively although its hard to judge considering the standard of the opposition but the defenders are clearly good anyway. The players also played like good players playing badly as opposed to playing like bad players. Its unlikely some of these players will be as bad again


Aidan0sclearly argentina wasn't the only team with problems


JimmyGuitaristThey were terrible. I don't agree with what you said about Alves though. I actually thought he was the only one trying to do something creative.


OnceABlueI am a bit worried about Neymar now, he didn't seem to be a £40M player to me.
