5-2-3 general defence behavior

marek_jabu2 CB - last line of defence, never commit until oppo is very close to our box. Try to stay always 2 steps lower so You can see oppo. strikers. It will not give us a chance to do off trap, but it will stretch oppo. att lines and force them to do longer passes which are easier to intercept.
1 CB/DM - This player is the 2nd line of def. Main role will be to man-mark oppos playmaker or very dangerous striker. 2nd job is to fill the gap in def. line if one of cbs is force to commit or help wbk. 3rd thing is to go for all interceptions after we fail to win kick off. Usualy at this moment oppo mid line is preloading to strikers - thats when You go for it. Try to read oppos movement, predict who is going to be reciever and cover him.
2 WBKS - Your main role in def is marking wingers. Stick to them like glue. Be always one step ahead of them. Keep Your pre. ready all the time. NEVER COMMIT TOO EARLY !!! FOLLOW YOUR MAN !!! Try to block him rather then tackle him if You feel that he is more agile then You. Make him do first step, create a feeling of presure.
2 CMS - when team is defending You are 1st line. Interceptions, presure, man marking oppo mid line is Your priority. Follow down those players that join attack. Be ready to fill gaps if any defender is commiting.
2 CF,ST - presure at oppos half, ST marking oppos DM/CM, CF side defenders. NEVER CAMP AT HALF LINE !!!!! Follow down to 3/4 of our half. Don't let oppo pass back to their defenders.

General rules for all:
1. run as much as posible without shift key
2. stick to Your pos and tasks assigned
3. don't crowd and chase ball if Your team8 is doing it already
4. use RC for communication !!! it will realy help rest of players if they know what You do
5. don't hold ball more than 2 seconds - quickly pass or clear it (clerances should be to side if posible)
