1. if messi plays2.if messi doesnt plays - all the players except song will be fully marked, since he isnt considered skillful player, hence he can take the ball from middle and shake opposite's defence. i was stunned to see how song was ...
dvdtt.shrm | 27.06.2013
Comments invited.
dvdtt.shrm | 25.06.2013
Servo | 11.05.2013
Servo | 11.05.2013
Ustawienie w czasie meczu.
Mejor | 02.05.2013
Ustawienie przedmeczowe na drugi mecz półfinałowy LM.
Mejor | 02.05.2013
New Stars
Hulkninho | 01.05.2013
these are the line-ups. thomas muller has a huge job on sergio busquets and expect ribery and robben to drop deep
MasterTactician | 23.04.2013
MasterTactician | 21.04.2013
MasterTactician | 03.04.2013
Jogo no primeiro tempo, marcado pela forte marcaçao na saida de bola do Barça, e na duas linhas de 4 do PSG para tentar obter o resultado na capital da França, jogou melhor no primeiro tempo, botou bola na trave e chegava com mais perigo, já que ...
FelipeXXI | 02.04.2013
PSG will sit deep, crowd out Messi and send Lavezzi and Lucas scampering forward for counter-attacks.Expect David Villa to play upfront so Messi can find space by ensuring Matuidi and Verrati are distracted by Villa.
MasterTactician | 02.04.2013